Monday, February 20, 2012

Looky what I found! A dirty, dusty, grimy window pane! I have been keeping my eyes peeled open for one of these for awhile now. Actually, I was able to score two of these ($5.00 each)! I pulled out the Windex & paper towels and went to town on it....only to realize that I went through a gazillion paper towels and was only as far as one side of one window! Too cold outside for the garden hose. I brought it inside and gave it an shower....yes, I did! I will do it again in a heart beat! I should have taken a picture of it in the shower with all that grime rolling off...

1 comment:

  1. I used an old window from the house my husband grew up in. The paint was peeling and distressed looking, so I just took a brush to it, cleaned the glass and looked great! I bought pre-cut mats at the hobby store and then put 5x7 pics in each one. I have about an 1'' of glass at the top, but the sides fit flush. Then to finish it off I used a chain to hang it...kinda like a porch swing chain, but not as big of links. Hope yours turns out well!!
